Source: http://sharmandmoods.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html
Usually as is with the case with pointing the finger, much of the brunt of the blame of projection points back at oneself. For every time we indicate with the index, the middle, ring, and "pinkie" finger point back at us glaringly. Much of what I say can bounce off another and stick to me easily well, nevertheless I will persist in my anger at the republican necessity to deny a vitally needed vote: to contest and contend with the weedling whine of "spend-thrift government." Spend-thrift after eight years of commitment to a war that extended our resources beyond our limits. "This aggression will not stand!" (George Bush I)
I woke up today livid at those members of the Republican/hawk party who cry out that we are spendthrift as a nation when it has been they who ordered the spending.
The Cheney will say 50-60 billion, the others say more like three Trillion:
If you have reliable information on this please provide it.
With absurd statements of individuals like Natsios calling the cost of simple rebuilding of infrastructure in Iraq at a mere $1.7 bn (compare to the Marshall Plan for Europe and Japan:
the entire cost of the recovery program was $57 bn in 1948 dollars (equivalent to almost nine times that in 2009). Source:
From a country that was led by a president and foreign affairs department that was too ignorant to use diplomacy we have a diplomacy of death.
For a nation that was led by those who evidently forgot that other people could be starving we have suffered through a nation of arrogance and entitlement. (Welfare mothers with octuplet births are a travesty that can be said to exist precisely in your shadow: run-away stupified over-productivity: It's not fair to call her "George Bush's 'Mother of America,'" because he would be satisfied with watching all of her children starve: she is just another freak in the carnival show the former president was making of the United States. George Bush: Evil Clown.)
For those who evidently conveniently forgot the sense of need in this country to develop and invest in this nation we have reckless spending on war, exhaustion and death.
The cynicism of the Bush regime was profound: it took spending to all new highs and doubled our national debt during Bush's term in office. It took a national dream and shoved it down our throats with "E-Z credit." It was the essence of spending unwisely.
Now they cry poor when we speak of building a schoolhouse?

Conservatives and Hawks in the United States Government are lovers of death. That's all. They grow fat and sick on death. They devour the crippling and maiming of the bodies of Iraqi children. They consume the death and maiming of American soldiers (not the efforts of our troops themselves, not the coffins that come in discretely at night) as if it were the finest act of patriotism that we insisted on death and maiming. It is time to give every one of these lovers of death the boot. They wanted to bankrupt this nation with runaway spending on defense.

President Obama (and yes, he is my hero) is now contending with a nation that has been ransacked and rifled for its wealth for the last eight years. Our infrastructure was left to lag as George went off to Iraq. The goal was to bankrupt the government: to set about spending practices and procedures that would cripple this nation for decades to come. The goal was to bankrupt the government, render it powerless and ineffective, de-regulate industry as completely as possible or leave regulation of industry hopelessly struggling in the dust as big business did what it wanted. Picture a white racist boot stomping on a human face for the rest of eternity: there you have George Bush's vision for America.
Crying poor after you and your associates have robbed the nation of trillions of dollars is obscene.
So I am mad. I know the finger points back at me. It points at my worst aspects that i woke up in a bad mood about. Nonetheless I am going to write down my rage here and maybe one day someone will come and sort them and me out.
1 comment:
i will leave aside the question of pissing in the wind, leaving that in lou reed's capable hands, for the time being.
anger at foolishness is worth a blog posting, indeed, so bravo, ayres! the underlying issues are fairly obvious. the current republican party is in disastrous shape, worse than at any time since watergate. unlike then, the tendency of political discourse is moving away from conservatism as such. thus, one might even say that conservatism is in the worst shape since the great depression. this is dangerous, because even a potentially great president like obama needs a strong and vibrant opposition. what we have seen over the past weeks is simply that this opposition is neither strong nor vibrant. since we are in the biggest crisis in decades, we can see the republican party missing out. i will predict that republicans will come to a fateful decision over the next four years: either they reestablish themselves as the party of constructive responsibility or they will become the party of rush limbaugh. hard to tell which way this will go.
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