Of recent Oppermann has picked up on the Hat waving content. I thought this radically important, since I saw them all waving their hats, somewhat like mischivious boys shouting "Hurrah for Karamazov!" Without any further ado I will include the hatted european men I could find.
Particular attention is paid to those who are wearing straw hats, because they are better for waving.

Vincent Van Gogh (Beatific) wearing a Straw Hat.

Was Freud (wearing hat) a Glandolinean? (Einstein stated that when he tried to correspond with Freud that Freud was overly concerned with his own theories. Am I overly concerned with my own theories? Is it a matter of crippling introversion to be dazzled and puzzled by the world within, a stranger to oneself?

Robert Walser a bit dashing with his Hat. (No problem here.)

Adolf Wolfli (looking a bit like a prophet) with hat and strange boyish britches with bulges at the knees.

Carl Jung With Hat. (Another swiss witch doctor. His "water works" may have been near this spot, and he was a very very lucky one indeed!)

Robert Musil with Hat. (This soft but square hat qualifies as sufficiently straw-like and soften's the man's struggle with Viennese suffocation.)